6 Changes You Can Make To Start Being Healthy


The first step to living a healthy life is often the most difficult, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and hours at the gym, you can make these 6 simple actions towards being healthy:

1. Get Quality Sleep

Sleep is our body’s way of winding down and recharging so we can work, play and enjoy life the next day. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential if you want to function well in terms of physical, mental and emotional aspects.

Doctors say that 8 to 10 hours of sleep is ideal for adults. Make sure the bedroom is ideal for conducive, deep sleep, i.e., it’s dark and cool enough that you won’t wake up in the middle of the night. Shut off your mobile phone or put it in another room so you can get much-needed rest.

2. Exercise More

Do you often find yourself on the couch, watching TV and generally doing nothing? Moving around has its own set of health benefits, ones that you shouldn’t miss.

Change your sedentary lifestyle and start planning an exercise regimen. It doesn’t have to be a huge event- small things like adding a morning jog, a quick 30-minute brisk walk or going to the park every other day should work wonders for your health. Make sure it’s something you like doing, otherwise you’d end up trying it for a couple of times and giving up.

3. Quit Excessive Smoking and Drinking

Smoking is bad for your health, and if you’re worried about your overall state then it should be one of the things you should stop immediately. The smoke from burning chemicals affect your lungs, skin and mouth and lower your immune system.

And while a glass or two of wine or beer isn’t unhealthy, excessive or out-of-control drinking of alcohol will have long-term negative effects. The key is moderation- not too many, and be mindful of what you’re taking in.

4. Stimulate Your Mind

Health isn’t just about developing a strong body- you’ll need a strong mind as well. Our brain is a muscle that must be exercised, and a little goes a long way.

Some of the best ways to give your mind a jog include reading, writing, solving a puzzle and having a conversation. When you stimulate your mind, you’re less like to develop neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.

5. Socialize

No man is an island, and socializing is more important than you think. Aside from the interaction with friends, family and co-workers, you enjoy the benefits of a mental stimulation and having someone listen to your most private thoughts.

Sometimes all you need is a good sit-down with your best friend to lay out your troubles and stresses accumulated during the day or the week. Interaction staves off loneliness and make for an excellent health-oriented activity.

6. Relax!

Your life won’t be as stressful as you’d think if you learn how to relax and take your foot off the pedal.

Find time to do the things you like. Learn to meditate, relax and adopt a positive mindset.

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